Imagens do Subaru Cosworth Impreza STI CS400

A Subaru divulgou alguns detalhes do Subaru Cosworth Impreza STI CS400 a edição especial desenvolvida em conjunto com a emblemática Cosworth.

As imagens vem junto com o teaser da estréia do Impreza WRX STi no Salão Automóvel de Nova Iorque.

O Cosworth Impreza STI CS400 tem potência máxima de 400 cavalos. Com aceleração de 0 a 100 km/h em apenas 3,7 segundos.

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AIR BAG, como funciona


Em uma colisão frontal, o motorista e os passageiros de um carro são arremessados para a frente e podem se ferir gravemente ao se chocarem com o volante, o painel ou o pára-brisa. Os air bags, ou almofadas infláveis, protegem as pessoas nos casos de acidente: ejetados do volante ou do painel, se enchem de nitrogênio instantaneamente. O sistema de air bag é formado por sensores eletrônicos, um inflator para produzir nitrogênio e a almofada em si. Os sensores são programados para ignorar as colisões a menos de 16 a 22 km/h. Em um choque forte, a almofada se infla por completo em 1/20 de segundo. Para as pessoas poderem sair, a almofada se esvazia assim que absorve o impacto. Os air bags podem salvar vidas, mas apenas em colisões frontais, sem substituir os cintos de segurança e as ombreiras.

Ao receber os sinais do sensor de colisão, um gerador e calor inflama substâncias químicas para produzir o nitrogênio, que infla o air bag.

Completamente cheio, o air bag absorve o impacto inicial do corpo do motorista, quando este é lançado para a frente.

Tendo protegido o corpo do motorista, o air bag se esvazia, suavizando o impacto. Dois orifícios na parte traseira da almofada deixam escapar o gás.


Ford Focus RS500 com 350cv

A Ford apresentou o modelo limitado do Focus o RS500, que será lançado somente na Europa, e serão produzidas 500 unidades, daí o 500 do nome.

Ele vem com um motor cinco cilindros turbo de 2,5 que gera 350 cavalos que o levam de 0 a 100 em apenas 5,6 segundos e chagando a máxima de 263 km/h.

Além do nome Focus RS500 ele se difere do Focus o RS também por alguns detalhes como a pintura em preto fosco, rodas de aro 19 polegadas e aerofólios.

Clique nas fotos para ampliar

É muito azar cair logo na frente de um carro de policia

Pois é o pior que cair de moto é cair bem em frente a um carro de policia depois de levar um susto por estar acima da velocidade permitida. Veja o vídeo do acidente.

MINI Countryman no Brasil

Na corrida denominada MINI Challenge, realizada neste fim de semana, o presidente da BMW do Brasil, Jörg Henning Dornbusch, responsável da MINI no país. Confirmou a vinda do Mini Countryman para o Brasil.

A versão 4X4 do Mini vem com rodas de liga leve que podem ser de 16 e 19 polegadas, e a suspensão rebaixada em 10 milímetros (opcional).

Ele vem com sistema de navegação e áudio, teto panorâmico, faróis com regulagem de altura e banco traseiro de três lugares.

Os preços para o Brasil ainda não foram divulgados.

inspeção veicular Prepare seu carro

inspeção veicular Prepare seu carro

A inspeção veicular será feita novamente agora em 2010. E é normal os motoristas terem algumas duvidas: será que meu carro passará nos testes? Segundo o Denatran (Departamento Nacional de Trânsito), cerca de 30% dos veículos seriam reprovados. Saiba como preparar o seu carro para esta fiscalização, evitando problemas futuros.


1) Antes de qualquer coisa, caso não tenho um mecânico, faça uma pesquisa entre os seus amigos e parentes para encontrar alguém de confiança para fazer uma revisão no seu carro;
2) Verifique os discos e as pastilhas de freio, pois existe uma espessura mínima autorizada até chegar a hora da troca;
3) Troque o filtro de óleo e o óleo na quilometragem correta, pois é ele que lubrifica, resfria e, principalmente, limpa o motor graças a sua função detergente;
4) O amortecedor é responsável por manter os pneus em contato com o solo e garantir a estabilidade do veículo, por isso não deixe de verificar se estão em bom estado;
5) Outro item de importância são os pneus, que precisam estar em condições de segurança e com as ranhuras, ou seja, os cortes desenhados, com uma profundidade adequada para o escoamento de água.


Pode-se fazer somente a troca das pastilhas de freio, mas é recomendado que seja feita esta troca junto com o disco, pois com a proibição do amianto na composição da mesma, passou-se a utilizar elementos metálicos que aceleram o desgaste do disco.

Sinais de transito

1) As placas de sinalização classificam-se em:

Regulamentação - são de formato circular (exceto a de PARE e DÊ a PREFERÊNCIA) com fundo branco, letras e símbolos na cor preta e orla (borda) na cor vermelha, assim como uma tarja que corta a placa, na cor vermelha, indica proibição. Essas placas regulamentam o uso da via, definindo suas proibições, permissões, restrições, devendo ser obedecidas pelos condutores e pedestres, sob pena de cometerem infração de trânsito. Ex: placa de proibido estacionar.

Dê a preferência
Dê a preferência


Velocidade máxima
Velocidade máxima

Sentido proibido
Sentido proibido

Proibido virar a esquerda
Proibido virar a esquerda

Sentido obrigatório
Sentido obrigatório

Siga em frente
Siga em frente

Proibido ultrapassar
Proibido ultrapassar


São de formato retangular (grande maioria), com o fundo na cor amarela e letras e símbolos na cor preta, orla externa amarela e interna preta. Como o nome já diz, essas placas têm a função de alertar, orientar e advertir o condutor sobre uma situação que ele vai encontrar mais a frente, normalmente situações em que deva ter mais atenção e cuidado.

A não obediência dessas placas não implicam em infração de trânsito, mas no caso de um acidente, por exemplo, a sua não obediência pode transformar-se em agravante.

curva acentuada a esquerda
curva acentuada a esquerda

curva a esquerda
curva a esquerda

curva a direita
curva a direita

curva acentuada em "S" a esquerda
curva acentuada em "S" a esquerda

curva em "S" a direita
curva em "S" a direita


Essas placas possuem diversos formatos e cores, mas todas tem a finalidade de indicar, orientar e dar localização ao condutor. Indicam o caminho a ser tomado para um determinado destino, a kilometragem a ser percorrida, a kilometragem da via naquele local, proximidade de cidades, praias, restaurantes e postos de gasolina, o nome ou prefixo da rodovia, etc.

Área de Estacionamento
Área de Estacionamento

Serviço Telefônico
Serviço Telefônico

Serviço Mecânico
Serviço Mecânico


Mercedes-Benz G V12 S Biturbo Widestar Brabu

Post by: Automotive
The most powerful in the world off-roader comes with a striking wide version: At the Geneva Motor Show 2010 BRABUS G V12 S Biturbo celebrate the debut WIDESTAR world. This exclusive special model is powered by twelve twin-cylinder turbo engine with 700 hp (690 bhp) / 515 kW.

BRABUS build a five-door with a hand based on the latest Mercedes G-Class. Like all BRABUS special model, accepted by the German Federal Vehicle Registration Agency (Kraftfahrtbundesamt) as a car manufacturer, which BRABUS G V12 S Biturbo WIDESTAR available with a long list of luxury appointments. Ultra-strong 4x4 starts at 394,900 Euros MSRP.

Designation as the model shows, the engine bay to accommodate G-Class vehicles BRABUS SV12 S engine originally developed for the BRABUS ROCKET with a top speed of 365.7 km / h (227.2 mph). High performance is based on the engine V12 Biturbo engine of the latest Mercedes S 600 model. In the state-of-the-art BRABUS engine shop displacement of the three-valve engine increased 5,5-6,3 liters (336-384 cu. Masuk) with the help of a special crankshaft with longer stroke, larger cylinder bore and piston greater. In addition, the engine cylinder head and re-equipped with special camshafts.

Engine peripherals are enhanced with larger turbochargers, the optimal system and intercooling stainless steel high-performance exhaust system with free-flow metal catalysts. Dispose of the custom-developed for the G-Class and features chrome-plated dual tailpipes that exit in front of the rear wheel on both sides. New mapping for engine electronics precision coordinate the perfect interaction of all new components. The result is a smooth-running model engines with maximum power that meets the limits set by strict EURO IV emission norms.

In the G-Class BRABUS S V12 S displacement engine produces 700 hp (690 bhp) / 515 kW at 5100 rpm. The turbocharged twelve-cylinder provides peak torque of 1320 Nm (973 lb-ft) at 2100 rpm. In the car peak torque is electronically limited to 1100 Nm (811 lb-ft).

The BRABUS G V12 S Biturbo offers acceleration performance of almost unimaginable for a true off-roader: Combined with a special five-speed automatic transmission and permanent four-wheel drive SUV catapult themselves exclusively from rest to 100 km / h (62 mph) in just 4.3 seconds. Top speed is limited electronically to 240 km / h (150 mph). Without limiting the high-tech self-imposed G-Class models can reach 260 km / h (163 mph).

With the new version WIDESTAR the BRABUS designers have managed to lend a classic G-Class body is more striking and dynamic profile. Strongly shaped fender flares add 12 cm (4.7 inches) with a wide body and optimize venting from the front wheels and rear of the house thanks to the integrated air vents. Hollywood striking BRABUS door moldings 4x4 provides a very distinctive appearance even when viewed from the side. Sturdy stainless steel running boards to facilitate entry and exit of vehicles during the day and at night. LED lights integrated into the front and rear fenders top WIDESTAR illuminate the ongoing activation through the door handle or keyless remote.

Wide fender creates space for very large wheels and tires. WIDESTAR owner BRABUS offers a wide choice of custom-tailored tire / wheel combinations with diameters ranging from 20-23 inches. WIDESTAR versions available for all five-door G-Class models. The most exclusive choice for WIDESTAR features three-piece 11Jx23 PLATINUM EDITION Monoblock E alloy wheels in front and rear axle. The appropriate high-performance tires in size 305/35 R 23 are supplied by Pirelli and Yokohama.

WIDESTAR the BRABUS version offers a wider track and even more impressive appearance. Continue to shape the front apron flare on both sides and a large air channels to provide front brakes with a lot of cooling air supply. At the same time sophisticated shape reduces lift apron at the front axle. Six styles to optimize lamp integrated active safety aids in low light conditions. BRABUS running daytime LED lights under the main lights calls attention to the 'Power G' during the day.

Apron on the back of the front apron design language with stylish flare to fade and underride guard. In addition to the central reflector mounted on the rear bumper also houses WIDESTAR rear fog lights and backup lights on both sides. Designer suit round out the BRABUS roof spoiler with integrated LED brake light.

Optimal handling of the special model BRABUS complete G V12 S Biturbo with a comfortable custom suspension. To maintain the exceptional performance safely in check at all times the standard equipment also includes the BRABUS high-performance brake system with 12-piston aluminum fixed calipers and 380-mm (15.0 in) vented discs on front axle.

G BRABUS interior habits V12 S Biturbo WIDESTAR very exclusive too: This includes ergonomically shaped sport steering wheel, a speedometer with 280-km / h scale (175-mph), stainless steel plate pounded with illuminated BRABUS logo and completely artificial skin BRABUS interior made from especially soft and breathing BRABUS Mastik leather.

At the request BRABUS can turn customers into fully functional 4x4 and off-road capable office on wheels by installing a computer system including a wireless LAN network and UMTS internet connection. This concept can be enhanced with high-tech multimedia system with a DVD changer, TV tuner and game console DVBT.

Three screens display images from various sources: An electrically deployed 15.2-inch TFT screen is integrated into the headliner. In addition, BRABUS has developed a special console for the rear of the front seat. They each feature seven-inch integrated LCD screen with DVD player and an electric deployed table. The sound is carried by infrared headphones.

source: Brabus press

Mercedes-Benz G V12 S Biturbo Widestar Brabu

Post by: Automotive
The most powerful in the world off-roader comes with a striking wide version: At the Geneva Motor Show 2010 BRABUS G V12 S Biturbo celebrate the debut WIDESTAR world. This exclusive special model is powered by twelve twin-cylinder turbo engine with 700 hp (690 bhp) / 515 kW.

BRABUS build a five-door with a hand based on the latest Mercedes G-Class. Like all BRABUS special model, accepted by the German Federal Vehicle Registration Agency (Kraftfahrtbundesamt) as a car manufacturer, which BRABUS G V12 S Biturbo WIDESTAR available with a long list of luxury appointments. Ultra-strong 4x4 starts at 394,900 Euros MSRP.

Designation as the model shows, the engine bay to accommodate G-Class vehicles BRABUS SV12 S engine originally developed for the BRABUS ROCKET with a top speed of 365.7 km / h (227.2 mph). High performance is based on the engine V12 Biturbo engine of the latest Mercedes S 600 model. In the state-of-the-art BRABUS engine shop displacement of the three-valve engine increased 5,5-6,3 liters (336-384 cu. Masuk) with the help of a special crankshaft with longer stroke, larger cylinder bore and piston greater. In addition, the engine cylinder head and re-equipped with special camshafts.

Engine peripherals are enhanced with larger turbochargers, the optimal system and intercooling stainless steel high-performance exhaust system with free-flow metal catalysts. Dispose of the custom-developed for the G-Class and features chrome-plated dual tailpipes that exit in front of the rear wheel on both sides. New mapping for engine electronics precision coordinate the perfect interaction of all new components. The result is a smooth-running model engines with maximum power that meets the limits set by strict EURO IV emission norms.

In the G-Class BRABUS S V12 S displacement engine produces 700 hp (690 bhp) / 515 kW at 5100 rpm. The turbocharged twelve-cylinder provides peak torque of 1320 Nm (973 lb-ft) at 2100 rpm. In the car peak torque is electronically limited to 1100 Nm (811 lb-ft).

The BRABUS G V12 S Biturbo offers acceleration performance of almost unimaginable for a true off-roader: Combined with a special five-speed automatic transmission and permanent four-wheel drive SUV catapult themselves exclusively from rest to 100 km / h (62 mph) in just 4.3 seconds. Top speed is limited electronically to 240 km / h (150 mph). Without limiting the high-tech self-imposed G-Class models can reach 260 km / h (163 mph).

With the new version WIDESTAR the BRABUS designers have managed to lend a classic G-Class body is more striking and dynamic profile. Strongly shaped fender flares add 12 cm (4.7 inches) with a wide body and optimize venting from the front wheels and rear of the house thanks to the integrated air vents. Hollywood striking BRABUS door moldings 4x4 provides a very distinctive appearance even when viewed from the side. Sturdy stainless steel running boards to facilitate entry and exit of vehicles during the day and at night. LED lights integrated into the front and rear fenders top WIDESTAR illuminate the ongoing activation through the door handle or keyless remote.

Wide fender creates space for very large wheels and tires. WIDESTAR owner BRABUS offers a wide choice of custom-tailored tire / wheel combinations with diameters ranging from 20-23 inches. WIDESTAR versions available for all five-door G-Class models. The most exclusive choice for WIDESTAR features three-piece 11Jx23 PLATINUM EDITION Monoblock E alloy wheels in front and rear axle. The appropriate high-performance tires in size 305/35 R 23 are supplied by Pirelli and Yokohama.

WIDESTAR the BRABUS version offers a wider track and even more impressive appearance. Continue to shape the front apron flare on both sides and a large air channels to provide front brakes with a lot of cooling air supply. At the same time sophisticated shape reduces lift apron at the front axle. Six styles to optimize lamp integrated active safety aids in low light conditions. BRABUS running daytime LED lights under the main lights calls attention to the 'Power G' during the day.

Apron on the back of the front apron design language with stylish flare to fade and underride guard. In addition to the central reflector mounted on the rear bumper also houses WIDESTAR rear fog lights and backup lights on both sides. Designer suit round out the BRABUS roof spoiler with integrated LED brake light.

Optimal handling of the special model BRABUS complete G V12 S Biturbo with a comfortable custom suspension. To maintain the exceptional performance safely in check at all times the standard equipment also includes the BRABUS high-performance brake system with 12-piston aluminum fixed calipers and 380-mm (15.0 in) vented discs on front axle.

G BRABUS interior habits V12 S Biturbo WIDESTAR very exclusive too: This includes ergonomically shaped sport steering wheel, a speedometer with 280-km / h scale (175-mph), stainless steel plate pounded with illuminated BRABUS logo and completely artificial skin BRABUS interior made from especially soft and breathing BRABUS Mastik leather.

At the request BRABUS can turn customers into fully functional 4x4 and off-road capable office on wheels by installing a computer system including a wireless LAN network and UMTS internet connection. This concept can be enhanced with high-tech multimedia system with a DVD changer, TV tuner and game console DVBT.

Three screens display images from various sources: An electrically deployed 15.2-inch TFT screen is integrated into the headliner. In addition, BRABUS has developed a special console for the rear of the front seat. They each feature seven-inch integrated LCD screen with DVD player and an electric deployed table. The sound is carried by infrared headphones.

source: Brabus press

Mercedes-Benz G V12 S Biturbo Widestar Brabu

Post by: Automotive

The most powerful in the world off-roader comes with a striking wide version: At the Geneva Motor Show 2010 BRABUS G V12 S Biturbo celebrate the debut WIDESTAR world. This exclusive special model is powered by twelve twin-cylinder turbo engine with 700 hp (690 bhp) / 515 kW.

BRABUS build a five-door with a hand based on the latest Mercedes G-Class. Like all BRABUS special model, accepted by the German Federal Vehicle Registration Agency (Kraftfahrtbundesamt) as a car manufacturer, which BRABUS G V12 S Biturbo WIDESTAR available with a long list of luxury appointments. Ultra-strong 4x4 starts at 394,900 Euros MSRP.

Designation as the model shows, the engine bay to accommodate G-Class vehicles BRABUS SV12 S engine originally developed for the BRABUS ROCKET with a top speed of 365.7 km / h (227.2 mph). High performance is based on the engine V12 Biturbo engine of the latest Mercedes S 600 model. In the state-of-the-art BRABUS engine shop displacement of the three-valve engine increased 5,5-6,3 liters (336-384 cu. Masuk) with the help of a special crankshaft with longer stroke, larger cylinder bore and piston greater. In addition, the engine cylinder head and re-equipped with special camshafts.

Engine peripherals are enhanced with larger turbochargers, the optimal system and intercooling stainless steel high-performance exhaust system with free-flow metal catalysts. Dispose of the custom-developed for the G-Class and features chrome-plated dual tailpipes that exit in front of the rear wheel on both sides. New mapping for engine electronics precision coordinate the perfect interaction of all new components. The result is a smooth-running model engines with maximum power that meets the limits set by strict EURO IV emission norms.

In the G-Class BRABUS S V12 S displacement engine produces 700 hp (690 bhp) / 515 kW at 5100 rpm. The turbocharged twelve-cylinder provides peak torque of 1320 Nm (973 lb-ft) at 2100 rpm. In the car peak torque is electronically limited to 1100 Nm (811 lb-ft).

The BRABUS G V12 S Biturbo offers acceleration performance of almost unimaginable for a true off-roader: Combined with a special five-speed automatic transmission and permanent four-wheel drive SUV catapult themselves exclusively from rest to 100 km / h (62 mph) in just 4.3 seconds. Top speed is limited electronically to 240 km / h (150 mph). Without limiting the high-tech self-imposed G-Class models can reach 260 km / h (163 mph).

With the new version WIDESTAR the BRABUS designers have managed to lend a classic G-Class body is more striking and dynamic profile. Strongly shaped fender flares add 12 cm (4.7 inches) with a wide body and optimize venting from the front wheels and rear of the house thanks to the integrated air vents. Hollywood striking BRABUS door moldings 4x4 provides a very distinctive appearance even when viewed from the side. Sturdy stainless steel running boards to facilitate entry and exit of vehicles during the day and at night. LED lights integrated into the front and rear fenders top WIDESTAR illuminate the ongoing activation through the door handle or keyless remote.

Wide fender creates space for very large wheels and tires. WIDESTAR owner BRABUS offers a wide choice of custom-tailored tire / wheel combinations with diameters ranging from 20-23 inches. WIDESTAR versions available for all five-door G-Class models. The most exclusive choice for WIDESTAR features three-piece 11Jx23 PLATINUM EDITION Monoblock E alloy wheels in front and rear axle. The appropriate high-performance tires in size 305/35 R 23 are supplied by Pirelli and Yokohama.

WIDESTAR the BRABUS version offers a wider track and even more impressive appearance. Continue to shape the front apron flare on both sides and a large air channels to provide front brakes with a lot of cooling air supply. At the same time sophisticated shape reduces lift apron at the front axle. Six styles to optimize lamp integrated active safety aids in low light conditions. BRABUS running daytime LED lights under the main lights calls attention to the 'Power G' during the day.

Apron on the back of the front apron design language with stylish flare to fade and underride guard. In addition to the central reflector mounted on the rear bumper also houses WIDESTAR rear fog lights and backup lights on both sides. Designer suit round out the BRABUS roof spoiler with integrated LED brake light.

Optimal handling of the special model BRABUS complete G V12 S Biturbo with a comfortable custom suspension. To maintain the exceptional performance safely in check at all times the standard equipment also includes the BRABUS high-performance brake system with 12-piston aluminum fixed calipers and 380-mm (15.0 in) vented discs on front axle.

G BRABUS interior habits V12 S Biturbo WIDESTAR very exclusive too: This includes ergonomically shaped sport steering wheel, a speedometer with 280-km / h scale (175-mph), stainless steel plate pounded with illuminated BRABUS logo and completely artificial skin BRABUS interior made from especially soft and breathing BRABUS Mastik leather.

At the request BRABUS can turn customers into fully functional 4x4 and off-road capable office on wheels by installing a computer system including a wireless LAN network and UMTS internet connection. This concept can be enhanced with high-tech multimedia system with a DVD changer, TV tuner and game console DVBT.

Three screens display images from various sources: An electrically deployed 15.2-inch TFT screen is integrated into the headliner. In addition, BRABUS has developed a special console for the rear of the front seat. They each feature seven-inch integrated LCD screen with DVD player and an electric deployed table. The sound is carried by infrared headphones.

source: Brabus press

Ford Ka ganha Kit Trail

A Ford Ka ganha kit Trail, desenvolvido pela Keko. O kit traz racks, adesivos nas portas e protetor de para-choque dianteiros e traseiros.

O Ford Ka Trail não é uma versão do Ka ela pode ser comprada a parte nas concessionárias.

O preço do kit Trail para o Ka sai por R$ 1 200.

Honda Fit em versão Si

O Honda Fit Europeu, que lá se chama Jazz, terá uma versão SI com motores 1.2 e 1.4 a gasolina.

Ele não terá um motor mais potente como no nosso Civic Si, o que lhe dá um ar de esportividade é a aparência e o cambio manual. No visual ele ganha rodas de 16 polegadas, aerofólio traseiro e tapetes bordados.

O Honda Jazz será lançado no Reino Unido a partir do dia 1º de abril (e não é mentira). A versão 1.2 terá preço sugerido de custar 12.835 libras e a versão 1.4 terá o valor de 13.510 libras.


Mercedes SLS AMG para a competição

A Mercedes irá participar das corridas da GT3 e algumas fotos do participante já estão na Internet.

Pouco se sabe sobre ele mas há rumores de que terá um motor de oito cilindros com mais de 600 cavalos.

O modelo ainda não tem preço anunciado, mas estipula-se que custará em torno de 150 mil euros, que é o preço do Porsche 911 GT3, e 300 mil euros que é o preço do BMW Z4 GT3.

Concept Car © 2009.